Monday, February 21, 2011

Fighting at a Surf Contest

Last Saturday Sunny Garcia and Jeremy Flores were disqualified from the Burleigh Breaka Pro for fighting. Surfing Magazine says that "Flores states he was intervening when a local surfer was in a verbal argument with Sunny Garcia’s son. The three headed for shore when Sunny came running down the beach to intercept them. He’s then seen assaulting the surfer in the water, punching him several times." Here's the video.

The cameraman who took this footage was also assaulted by Garcia has well.
With Garcia's image as a tough guy I'm not surprised something like this happened but he needs to chill out. I'm leaving Flores out of this because he wasn't strangling anyone in the water. This isn't the tough neighborhood he grew up in; it’s a surf contest in Australia. I understand the need to protect your son but there's no need to chokehold someone because of an argument. Its actions like these that give surfing such a negative reputation.

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